Colour Separation.

  • 1976-01-01
  • In

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Colour Separation statistiques

  • 0 vote
  • 0.6 Popularité
  • 0 vote average
  • sortie en 1976
  • budget 0 $
  • revenue 0 $


This film is based on the colour separation process. High contrast film stock was run three times through a stationary camera; once for each of the light primaries. In the composite image, anything moving is represented in primary or secondary colour whilst anything still, having been filmed through all three filters, is represented in “correct” colour. When projected the film resembles a moving impressionist painting but the passing of time is not represented by the coloured marks of a painters brush but by the colored emulsion of the film stock..

Regarder Colour Separation en streaming vf

Colour Separation

Où regarder Colour Separation en streaming ?

Colour Separation est disponible en streaming Légale sur Netflix, Prime Video, LionsGate+.

Quel genre de film est Colour Separation ?

Colour Separation est un film du genre ..

En quelle langue a été tourné Colour Separation ?

Colour Separation a été tourné en inkonue...

Quel est le titre de Colour Separation en Version Originale (VO) ?

Colour Separation s'intitule aussi Colour Separation en VO...

Quelle est la durée de "Colour Separation" ?

Colour Separation dure 3 minutes ...

Quand est sorti Colour Separation en France ?

Colour Separation est sorti en France le 1976-01-01 ...

Qui est le staf réalisateur de "Colour Separation" ?

Colour Separation a été réalisé par en 1976...

Qui joue dans Colour Separation ?

Les principaux acteurs de Colour Separation sont ...

Market Street 2005

Market Street 2005.

All images were filmed on Market Street, one of the main streets in San Francisco. The visual was carefully composed frame by frame, while shooting on the street. This project was commissioned by Exploratorium and San Francisco Arts Commission for the outdoor screening event, A Trip Down Market Street 1905/2005: An Outdoor Centennial Celebration.

The Chair 2018

The Chair 2018.

David struggles with the aftermath of a tragic accident and his innocent musings of feeling powerless slowly turn into a bizarre nightmare.

The Sun 1988

The Sun 1988.

Pierre Clémenti's Soleil presents a psychedelic meditation on his life and his detention in an Italian Prison in 1972.

Diagonal Symphony 1924

Diagonal Symphony 1924.

A tilted figure, consisting largely of right angles at the beginning, grows by accretion, with the addition of short straight lines and curves which sprout from the existing design. The figure vanishes and the process begins again with a new pattern, each cycle lasting one or two seconds. The complete figures are drawn in a vaguely Art Deco style and could be said to resemble any number of things, an ear, a harp, panpipes, a grand piano with trombones, and so on, only highly stylized. The tone is playful and hypnotic.

Tierna es la Noche 1990

Tierna es la Noche 1990.

Tierna es la Noche is a film without bullets nor sea, without mosquitoes, without peasants nor flowers. It only contains a barman, a man and a beautiful woman who lives in a bathroom. For commercial reasons, we have included two policemen, a drop of blood and a multilingual nymphomaniac. For aesthetic reasons, a tear and a negro. For both reasons, the film takes place anachronically, during the fifties and nineties in a make-believe city called Caracas. It's a story of histerics, like all stories, unfinished.

Daybreak 2020

Daybreak 2020.

Babies bouncing in toy chairs, friends competing at the bowling alley: each moment of this found footage collage, composed entirely of home videos shot on September 10, 2001, is tinged with dread for the era to come.