Berlin Horse.

  • 1970-11-16
  • In

Sous la direction de Malcolm le Grice , le film complet Berlin Horse (long métrage) avec original streaming en No Language , a été produit en United Kingdom, et est apparu dans les cinémas Français en 1970. Les spectateurs ont donné une note de 7.1 avec 11 votes...

Avec homstream, vous trouverez plus de 80,000 fiches de films Français et du monde entier. Nous vous invitons à nous rendre visite régulièrement, tous les jours nous ajoutons de nouveaux films complets à voir sur DVD ou Blu-Ray..

Berlin Horse statistiques

  • 11 vote
  • 1.236 Popularité
  • 7.1 vote average
  • sortie en 1970
  • budget 0 $
  • revenue 0 $


Two fragments of 8mm home-movie footage shot by the artist near Berlin weave together in repeating cycles of action, temporal manipulation, and colour distortion, heightening the viewer’s awareness of film-time and the film-image, and perception of colour in motion..

Regarder Berlin Horse en streaming vf

Berlin Horse

Où regarder Berlin Horse en streaming ?

Berlin Horse est disponible en streaming Légale sur Netflix, Prime Video, LionsGate+.

Quel genre de film est Berlin Horse ?

Berlin Horse est un film du genre ..

En quelle langue a été tourné Berlin Horse ?

Berlin Horse a été tourné en No Language ...

Quel est le titre de Berlin Horse en Version Originale (VO) ?

Berlin Horse s'intitule aussi Berlin Horse en VO...

Quelle est la durée de "Berlin Horse" ?

Berlin Horse dure 7 minutes ...

Quand est sorti Berlin Horse en France ?

Berlin Horse est sorti en France le 1970-11-16 ...

Qui est le staf réalisateur de "Berlin Horse" ?

Berlin Horse a été réalisé par et Malcolm Le Grice et Malcolm Le Grice et Malcolm Le Grice, Malcolm Le Grice en 1970...

Qui joue dans Berlin Horse ?

Les principaux acteurs de Berlin Horse sont ...

formula 2002

formula 2002.

formula, a constantly evolving work updated with each presentation, is a perfect synchronisation between sound frequencies and the movements on the screen. It places the viewer in a binary geometry of space and exploits the darkness to amplify one's perceptions. There is a complete integration of the various elements, composing music, images, lighting and orchestrating the relationships between them through a highly precise score.

Through a Lens Darkly: Black Photographers and the Emergence of a People 2014

Through a Lens Darkly: Black Photographers and the Emergence of a People 2014.

The film explores the role of photography, since its rudimentary beginnings in the 1840s, in shaping the identity, aspirations, and social emergence of African Americans from slavery to the present. The dramatic arch is developed as a visual narrative that flows through the past 160 years to reveal black photography as an instrument for social change, an African American point-of-view on American history, and a particularized aesthetic vision.

Mindless 2007

Mindless 2007.

"Mindless" challenges current paradigms, replacing freudian analysis with concepts of the collective unconcious, transpersonal migration, human evolution and the cosmic struggle...

The Mona Lisa Curse 2008

The Mona Lisa Curse 2008.

The Mona Lisa Curse is a Grierson award-winning polemic documentary by art critic Robert Hughes that examines how the world's most famous painting came to influence the art world. With his trademark style, Hughes explores how museums, the production of art and the way we experience it have radically changed in the last 50 years, telling the story of the rise of contemporary art and looking back over a life spent talking and writing about the art he loves, and loathes. In these postmodern days it has been said that there is no more passé a vocation than that of the professional art critic. Perceived as the gate keeper for opinions regarding art and culture, the art critic has supposedly been rendered obsolete by an ever expanding pluralism in the art world, where all practices and disciplines are purported to be equal and valid. Robert Hughes, however, is one art critic who has delivered a message that must not be ignored.

Threshold 1972

Threshold 1972.

Le Grice no longer simply uses the printer as a reflexive mechanism, but utilises the possibilities of colour-shift and permutation of imagery as the film progresses from simplicity to complexity… With the film’s culmination in representational, photographic imagery, one would anticipate a culminating “richness” of image; yet the insistent evidence of splice bars and the loop and repetition of the short piece of found footage and the conflicting superimposition of filtered loops all reiterate the work which is necessary to decipher that cinematic image. - Deke Dusinberre

Bloodlust 1999

Bloodlust 1999.

An attempt to constitute a human / machine dialogue. It shows the filmmaker’s blood as seen / heard with the eyes / ears of the machine which is a film projector with optical sound. He affixed his blood onto clear film leader by cutting into the flesh and then pressing the film leader onto the wound. Additionally he had blood taken with a syringe and afterwards dripped it on the film leader. fresh and clotted blood was used.